The Suzie's Guarantee

Suzie’s guarantees 100% satisfaction with all our products. Period.
That means if you have any issues at all, we will offer you a full refund, no questions asked.
-If your pet doesn’t like the treats (the audacity!).
-If you don’t see the desired results.
-If you spilled the oil getting it out of your cabinet.
-If you weren’t entirely satisfied with your experience.
And not just for 30 days either. We stand behind these products for life and if you have any issues at any time we will cover you.
Truly, we want you to be able to use Suzie’s CBD Treats with confidence, and we’re beyond happy to offer this guarantee to help people overcome any uncertainty they may have around CBD products.
This was our policy in the beginning and has remained unchanged as we’ve grown. Period!
For support please reach out to us at or call us at 720-576-8151. Thank you!