Our Story

We must have been quite the bunch.
Richard, a fiery 72-year-old Brooklyn native, Suzie, his 13-year-old Queensland Blue Heeler who sauntered confidently at Richard’s side, and me, a 21-year-old kid who was just along for the ride.
I had bought a map of Denver and put a thumbtack on every pet store within 50 miles of Richard’s house which, to mark potential clients and map out our first sales routes. We started our rounds and proudly showed off our brand new product, Suzie’s CBD Treats, that we were making in a small kitchen.
I was extremely nervous to go on my first sales call, and was sure people would be busy and brush us off. To my surprise, not only were people extremely friendly, but at the 3rd store we went to the owner was really into the products and said he would mull it over. I was ecstatic! As Richard and I walked to his car celebrating the warm lead, the owner ran out to us in the parking lot and said he’d actually buy 6 bags right then and there. He wrote us a check on the hood of my Subaru Outback, and Suzie’s had our first wholesale order. We were in business!

Richard and the office dogs, Ayla, Waylon, and Suzie
It had all started the year before when Richard approached me with a proposition: drop out of college and go into business making CBD dog treats with him. Three years into an engineering degree, I was not sold immediately. I asked if I could finish my degree and then I’d join him. He rebuked, “college will be there, this opportunity is here right now” and insisted that the time was ripe.
He had an impressive resume and had founded the Breckenridge Brewery in 1989 (Colorado’s second brewery ever!) and grew it for decades before selling it to Anheuser (Budweiser) for a handsome sum.
His pitch was compelling too, “I’ll teach you how to start and run a business, as well as fund it - you’ll learn more than you are sitting in a classroom.” (He wasn’t wrong, and it didn't hurt that I had nothing to lose and lived in my parent's basement!)

Our first pallet, on it's way to Connecticut
Richard didn’t spend a lifetime in sales for nothing, and I was soon convinced. I told him I would give it a try for a year, and if it wasn’t going well, I’d go back to school. Both of my parents are educators and were less than thrilled when I told them I was going to drop out of school to go into business with this eccentric older man. (my mom went as far as saying I ruined Christmas)
Fast forward 6 months and we had our first bags of treats made and our first pet store with Suzie’s on the shelves.
Fast forward 8 years and we now have a brand that is sold in more than 1500 independent pet stores across the country and is proud to be making a difference in pets and their owner’s lives!
Richard’s initial inspiration for Suzie’s came after he underwent a back surgery and entered a dangerous battle with the painkillers he was prescribed. He used CBD to wean off those meds, and openly credited it with saving his life.

Proudly displaying our first Suzie's Van!
He naturally started sharing the CBD oil he was taking with his best friend, Suzie, and was amazed at how much it helped her.
Always on the lookout for opportunity, he saw that there was a chance to start a business making a product that helped animals and boy was he right.
We are endlessly grateful to Richard and Suzie for his idea, passion, and guidance.
Since their passing in 2019, we've done our best to carry on their legacy and make them proud, (and we sure hope we're doing just that).
He left us with the following parting words…“Love each other, and love what you do”.

The Suzie's gang hanging out
It is our mission to make the world a better place in our small way –
By providing the best products we can with USDA organic, full spectrum CBD oil.
By treating our employees and customers with respect.
By giving back however we can.
By prioritizing education and transparency.
By standing behind our products no matter what.
By doing the right thing when we are at a crossroads.
“Suzie's focuses on education, quality, and integrity. With the intent to grow a community, by making a product and experience so exceptional we turn customers into friends while treating every pet like our own.”

Full Spectrum
Full-spectrum CBD contains the full plant's benefits, along with other cannabinoids, which work in synergy to make the CBD as effective as possible

Our USDA certified organic farm is our pride and joy and is what distinguishes us from many CBD companies. We are one of the few CBD manufacturers that are vertically integrated, meaning that the entire process of production is controlled and overseen by our people.

Trusted Since 2016
Passion, devotion to our work, and love for our four-legged companions helps inspire us here at Suzie’s CBD Treats to provide the highest quality CBD products for you and your furry family!