Suzie's Goes Nuts - 125 mg CBD Peanut Butter for Dogs

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At Suzie’s, we are all about creating CBD products for dogs that are simple and wholesome.


Our Suzie's Goes Nuts peanut butter is made with only two ingredients: freshly ground organic peanuts, and our full-spectrum, locally-grown, USDA organic CBD. 


With 125 mg of CBD in each 8 oz jar, and a flavor that dogs love, this CBD peanut butter is sure to be a hit with your furry friends!


Ingredients: Organic unsalted peanut butter, Organic full spectrum CBD oil 




CBD is ONLY grown on OUR USDA certified organic partner farms located in Fort Collins, CO which means superior consistency and reliability.  


"This product contains less than the legal limit of 0.3% THC"

Suzies CDB
CBD dog treats, peanut butter, salves and more!
Are you looking for holistic ingredients to support your dog’s health?  Our CBD is grown from organic hemp on our USDA-certified organic partner farm. Vets are increasingly trying CBD for dogs for its potential anti-inflammatory, anti-nausea, analgesic, appetite-stimulating, and anti-anxiety properties

Suzie's CBD Treats uses only the highest quality ingredients for each of our recipes. We hope your dog will love them just as much as we enjoy making them.

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What We're All About

Suzie's CBD Treats is proud to manufacture all our own products in our bakery in Denver, CO. Our products are USDA certified organic, and made with full spectrum CBD oil sourced from our partner farm in Fort Collins, CO.

There's nothing we make for our pets that we wouldn't eat ourselves, and you can feel confident knowing that every single treat is handmade with care! We use a third party lab to test every batch we make and we never compromise on quality. We're also thrilled to be able to donate 10% back, to shelters all over the country Thank you for checking us out, give your pet some love from us!