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Keep Pets in Loving Homes - Animal Care Trust USA

Keep Pets in Loving Homes - Animal Care Trust USA

Pet parents having a good time with the dog.

What is a Pet Trust?

A Pet Trust is a legal arrangement providing for the care and maintenance of pets in the event of a pet parent's disability or death.


The trust, depending upon the state where it is established, will continue for the life of the pet or 21 years, whichever occurs first. Some states allow a pet trust to continue for the life of the pet without regard to a maximum duration of 21 years.

Why Get a Pet Trust?

Sadly, it is estimated that more than 500,000 loved pets are euthanized each year because pet parents did not have a plan in place for rehoming and lifetime care.


A trust can guarantee not only that your pet will be taken care of, but can ensure they will still have the same quality of life as well. Pet trusts can specify everything from diet choices to the number of vet visits per year.


Since pet parents know their companion animals better than anyone else, they can dictate the kind of care their pets should have and nominate who would provide that care.

A dog being hugged and kissed by his pet parents.

Animal Care Trust USA

Suzie's has recently connected with Animal Care Trust USA Inc., a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to keeping loved pets in loving homes in the event of a disability or death that would require rehoming.


Animal Care Trust USA not only provides Pet Trust plans, they also provide pet trustee services and are involved in volunteer and education efforts to keep pets in loving homes.


All 50 states and the District of Columbia have valid Pet Trust statutes in place. Animal Care Trust USA can help you with every step of the planning process to create a Pet Trust to ensure your pet can count on a lifetime of love and care!


Animal Care Trust provides multiple options for creating your Pet Trust. They include:

  • ACT4Pets Community Pet Trust – a trust you can join. The most affordable option. Your pet will receive lifetime love and care with the Forever Family Program where your pet will be placed with a new, loving family.

  • Forever Loved Pet Trust – a personalized Pet Trust. You choose your Pet Caregivers. You choose your Pet Trustee. You choose your Forever Loved Option – Forever Family or Forever Sanctuary.

  • Custom Forever Loved Pet Trust – work with your attorney or one of theirs to create a custom Pet Trust for your loved pet.

  • Pet Protection Plan – Keep your Pet Trust updated so your pet is always protected. Includes ongoing Pet Trust education and Pet Trustee reservation.

The girl hugs her brown Labrador Retriever.

Thinking Ahead

In order to create a Pet Trust, pet parents should think ahead to what information they need to provide. This can include your pet's microchip information, the standard of living and care, and a budget for the funds needed.


Your pet is part of your family and you will find creating a plan for them can put your mind at ease!


Connecting with Animal Care Trust USA

You can connect with Animal Care Trust USA and find additional information on their website

1 comment on Keep Pets in Loving Homes - Animal Care Trust USA
  • Amelia Richards
    Amelia Richards

    As a pet owner, keeping my home clean is tough, but Ukraine Cleaners made it so much easier! Their cleaning services in Shoreline WA tackled all the pet hair and odors. Now, my home is fresh, spotless, and completely pet-friendly! Highly recommend!

    October 23, 2024
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