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Using CBD for Dog Seizures: Facts & Safety Guidelines

Using CBD for Dog Seizures: Facts & Safety Guidelines

Just like with humans, a seizure episode in a pet can be a frightening experience. While most seizures aren't life-threatening, they can be very sudden and dramatic, causing you to fear the possibility of serious complications or even death.


Research has shown that CBD can be beneficial for some forms of epileptic seizures in humans and dogs. Suzie's Pet Treats is here to discuss the causes of seizures in dogs and how CBD can help.


What Can Cause Seizures in Dogs?

Seizures are caused by the abnormal firing of neurons in the body. A dog may experience a seizure once, or it can happen in clusters. Repeated episodes of seizures in dogs are referred to as canine epilepsy. Idiopathic in form, this is an inherited genetic disorder that can arise spontaneously from no apparent source.


Your dog can also have a seizure when dealing with specific medical conditions such as:

  • Liver disease

  • Brain trauma

  • Brain tumors

  • Toxin buildup

  • Kidney failure


A dog may seize if a poisonous substance has been ingested.


What to Do if Your Dog Begins Seizing

Seizures come in many forms. The symptoms of a seizure in a dog may include:

  • Unnecessary chomping

  • Trouble walking

  • Stiffening

  • Collapsing

  • Foaming at the mouth

  • Looking dazed

  • Losing consciousness

  • Losing control of bodily functions

  • Twitching or jerking


If your dog begins seizing, it's important to remember to stay calm. Only try to move your pet if they are in an unsafe area, like near a busy street or close to a fire. Keep your hands away from the dog's mouth in case the jaws clamp shut.


If you must move your dog, do so carefully from the hind legs or by the hips. The seizure should last no more than a few minutes, with your dog resuming normal behavior afterward. If the seizure lasts longer than five minutes, consult an emergency veterinarian right away.


What is CBD?

Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of many naturally occurring active compounds found in cannabis. Primarily derived from the hemp plant, it has several potential benefits, including relief from discomfort, feelings of nervousness, inflammation, and seizures.


Unlike tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), another compound found in cannabis, CBD is non-psychoactive. This means that it does not cause a "high."


Used for years to help reduce seizures in humans, the anticonvulsant properties of CBD may reduce the frequency and severity of seizures in dogs.


How Can CBD Help With Seizures?

CBD research indicates that its anti-seizure effects may result from its ability to reduce the excitability of neurons in the body. CBD interacts with the endocannabinoid system in humans and canines. This system is a network of receptors that helps to regulate various bodily functions. CBD acts on two receptor groups called GPR55 and TRPV1 receptors, potentially influencing neuronal activity and reducing seizure occurrence.


Tests have shown that dogs who received CBD in clinical trials had a reduction in the frequency of seizures. A significant association was made between the degree of seizure reduction and the amount of CBD concentration in the dog's blood.


Find CBD for Your Furry Friend Today!

If your dog is experiencing seizures, Suzie's Pet Treats may be able to help.  We create tailor-made CBD products just for animals with CBD strength, and all ingredients used are specifically formulated for pets. The hemp our products are made from is sourced only from a select few USDA farms in Colorado.


Contact us to learn more about our products or for help with identifying a retailer of Suzie's CBD Treats in your area. We want to improve the quality of life for all your pets.


Image source: el-ka via Shutterstock

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