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Mental Illness in Dogs: Preventing Dog Mental Disorders

Mental Illness in Dogs: Preventing Dog Mental Disorders

Like their human friends, dogs can be susceptible to mental disorders. According to a study conducted by Emory University, dogs' brains have similarities to the human brain, and they can experience mental health conditions like anxiety, depression, and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).

Let's discuss common mental health disorders in dogs, the symptoms to look for, and the best ways to prevent and treat those symptoms.

Common Dog Mental Health Disorders

Dog owners are usually aware of their pet's physical health, but they don't know how to pick up on abnormalities related to mental health.

Common mental health disorders in dogs can mirror those of humans.

Separation Anxiety

When some dogs are left alone or even suspect they might be left to their own devices, they panic. Frantic barking, housebreaking accidents, and destructive behavior such as chewing furniture or shoes or getting into the trash might ensue. These pets are unable to find comfort when separated from family members.

Fear-related Anxiety

Loud noises, thunderstorms, strange humans or animals, unfamiliar environments, or a visit to the vet's office can cause fear in a dog. A sudden change in behavior during any of these situations could mean it stresses your pet.

Social Anxiety

If a dog suffered some type of neglect in the past, it can result in crippling social anxiety. Dogs who were strays, rescued from puppy mills, or saved from abuse may become aggressive when confronted by other dogs or humans.


When a dog becomes sadder than normal, withdrawn, or uninterested in play, they may be depressed. Depression in dogs can be caused by:

  • Physical illness
  • Grief
  • Fear
  • Environmental changes

In some cases, there may be no reason for depression, but just like with humans, big life changes like a new baby in the family, a loss, or a move can lead to a depressed mood in your dog.

Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Even dogs who don't work with the military or with police can suffer from PTSD. A car accident, a fight, or an injury can result in panic attacks, heavy and/or fast breathing, aggression, hyper-awareness, clinging, and depression.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

A dog that excessively repeats obsessive behaviors like tail biting, tail chasing, and digging may be experiencing OCD, also called CCD (canine compulsive disorder). This could happen when your pet's behavior is strange, directed at objects, or otherwise out of context.

Confusion and anxiety in older dogs may be associated with cognitive dysfunction syndrome (CDS), a decline in memory, learning, awareness, and perception similar to the early stages of Alzheimer's disease in humans.

Dog Mental Health Symptoms

While some canines communicate their wants and needs well, others may be limited to groans, barking, and grunting. Symptoms of mental health issues in dogs can include:

  • Reduced activity
  • Disinterest in food, water, or treats
  • Weight loss
  • Lethargy
  • Self-injury
  • Destructive behavior
  • Hiding or attempting to escape
  • Excessive tail chasing
  • Vomiting or diarrhea
  • Compulsive licking and grooming

If you think your dog is suffering from a mental health disorder, consult your veterinarian.

How to Prevent and Treat Mental Health Disorders in Dogs

A vet can prescribe medication to treat your dog's mental disorders, but there are a few ways you can help.

  1. Exercise: Exercise lifts the mood and works out excess energy. It also gives your pet the chance to socialize.
  2. Massage: A long brushing and canine massage can ease stress and anxiety and help your dog relax.
  3. Space: Sometimes, your dog doesn't want to be affectionately smothered. If your dog seems down or anxious, maybe give them some space.
  4. Natural remedies: Natural remedies like CBD can help your dog deal with mental issues.

Once a check-up rules out physical illness, you can try some options to learn which relieves your pet.

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CBD can have a calming effect on a dog's nerves and can assist in maintaining a normal, relaxed disposition. Suzie's Pet Treats has a large inventory of CBD products to help ease your dog's mental health issues.

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